Register for BuildingChicago/Greening the Heartland Conference
Next week, LBBA’s Terran Wilson will join Zurich Esposito (AIA Chicago), Arathi Gowda (Skidmore, Owings & Merrill), and Marya Graff (Cannon Design) for a presentation and panel discussion during the 2nd annual BUILDINGChicago/Greening the Heartland Expo & Conference. “AIA 2030 Commitment: Creating a Culture of Change” will explore how the AIA 2030 Commitment is effecting the way we work, and the way we talk to our clients and consultants and promote our services. The goals of this panel discussion will be to relay the experiences of different types and sizes of firms who are signatories to the Commitment, explore the immediate challenges to meeting the 2030 targets, and potential solutions which may contribute to our success.
The group will also discuss how the Commitment is affecting the way we talk internally. How is the Commitment being received by firm management and project management? How does internal data sharing effect culture? Further, what are the possibilities for collaboration within a local design community, beyond firm walls? Most importantly, the panel will discuss whether the Commitment is causing a difference in actual energy performance and carbon footprints of buildings.
The three-day event will present a full slate of education sessions, workshops, and keynotes, with all sessions offering AIA and GBCI credits. Click here for a brochure with event details.
BUILDING Chicago/Greening the HeartlandSeptember 29-October 1, 2014Holiday Inn Mart Chicago350 W. Mart Center Drive
AIA 2030 Commitment: Creating a Culture of ChangeMonday, September 29, 20141:30pm–3:00pm
Zurich Esposito, AIA Chicago (moderator)
Arathi Gowda, Skidmore, Owings & Merrill
Marya Graff, Cannon Design
Terran Wilson, Landon Bone Baker Architects
Registration required
AIA/HSW: 1.5 LU and Green Building Certification Institute credit available